Americans are buying more stuff than ever, according to this article from The Atlantic.
A combination of cheaper prices and the ease of online shopping has led to us accumulating massive amounts of things in our homes. Things that we don’t necessarily need, and things that aren’t high quality.
Between 2000 and 2015 there was a 68% increase in textiles thrown in the garbage. An increase associated with the cheapening of the quality of products. Things just don’t last as long as they used to.
Especially in the women's fashion industry, consumers are complaining about the decreasing quality of products, according to this New York Times article.
The author of the article interviewed several clothing manufacturers about the cause of this decreasing quality, and one stood out to me the most: a lack of pride.
A lack of pride is something that Austin | Fowler certainly doesn’t have.
We take immense pride in the quality of our bags and our brand.
We work with manufacturers that value quality and smart design. We use the highest quality fabrics, leather that will last, premium hardware and the best zippers.
Our hands are personally on every order that Austin | Fowler sends out. Each bag is inspected by my husband and co-founder Vince before he personally and precisely packages each customer's order.
Invest in a bag that will last. Build that classic and timeless set of quality products to use for years. Buy less, and buy better!